
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Medical Banking

About the Medical Banking Project

The Medical Banking Project drives lower healthcare costs by researching and facilitating cross-industry models that optimize banking resources for healthcare. Established in May 2001, MBProject consolidates pro-bono, educational and commercial activities initiated by our founder. We are defining the "medical banking" industry through internal research and continuous cross-industry outreach forums.

We are a self-funded and pragmatic think tank comprised of industry leaders, legal analysts, writers and studio production experts who mostly work pro-bono to support the following activities:

Administer cross-industry forums (i.e., Medical Banking Leadership Forums (for members only), Medical Banking Institutes, Workgroups, The Great American Interoperability Tour, Joint Taskgroup for Value in Health and more)
Provide subject matter expertise (i.e., HFMA; eLearning tools; LexisNexis' Health Care Law Treatise ; NCVHS testimony) and pro-bono research for policy makers (i.e., CMS, OCR, OCC)
Offer strategic advisory services that facilitate broad industry innovations
Aggregate our research into a fun, educational and interactive membership portal that contains industry-leading white papers on medical banking topics
Actively engage prominent industry leaders in nationally recognized policy and educational webcasts, like our new "Banking In Healthcare" National Town Meeting series
Draft certification and accreditation proposals, like MBProject's new Gold Seal Standard
Implement demonstration programs, like a bank-driven resource that coordinates community healthcare assets called CarevilleTV (rebranded from Charitable Communities Network), C.O.M.B.A.T. and others.
Medical banking is brimming with opportunity yet its emergence as a national strategy for containing healthcare costs is a recent industry dynamic that occurred after the Bush Administration let the HIPAA Privacy Rule stand in April 2001. Today, environmental changes have accelerated to cause a major shift in corporate thinking along medical banking lines.

As a facilitator, MBProject works directly with commerce to architect models that optimize medical banking convergence. This work is supported by our commitment to cross-industry dialogue with policy makers, leaders in commerce and academia, e-health/e-finance innovators, associations and foundations; where we gain an ongoing exchange of ideas that shape and focus our research. Over a period of years we have been able to define an emerging body of best practices that can fundamentally transform healthcare financing and operations.

Our Vision, Our Mission

OUR VISION is to reduce healthcare costs by converting the immense savings made possible through digital payments into charitable resources... With over 41 million un-insured Americans and rising, do we have a choice? Will EDI deliver on its promise to decrease healthcare costs and thus improve access? A lot of people are depending on it - literally. Our nation's hospitals deliver some $24 billion annually and rising in uncompensated care and the number promises to escalate in concert with our growing un-insured/under-insured population.

MBProject believes that the American banking community is a latent and critical resource that will deliver on the EDI promise. No equivalent distribution resource has the potential to position EDI services among care-givers like our banking community.

Medical banking drives EDI-enabled workflow processes into the heart of our delivery system in a manner that permanently reduces operating costs...and empowers consumers to make far better healthcare choices! For example, “digitizing” claims resulted in streamlined operations mostly for insurance carriers. Digitizing remittances, however, not only sends a wave of processing efficiency back to the care-giver, but potentially opens up over $200 billion annually in non-productive medical A/R assets that are under-valued, or not valued at all by the banking community. In addition, new payment structures promise to simplify administration of charitable and faith-based funds and even revolutionize medical consumer credit practices.

The closer EDI-enabled functions move towards the care-giver and patient, the more likely savings will be funneled into charitable activities. Conversely, the further EDI-enabled processes move away from our medical delivery system, the more likely that the savings will be used for some other purpose. Defining best practices that integrate banking and healthcare systems, and improving the distribution of high value administrative technologies for care-givers - so they can in turn enhance and/or expand charitable efforts in communities across America - is a central concern at the Medical Banking Project.

About Medical Banking Institutes

The Medical Banking Institute is a program series that organizes cross-industry dialogue between stakeholders in the medical and banking complex. Founded by the Medical Banking Project, the Institute provides a public policy and case study forum for commerce, government, associations, academicians and others interested in medical banking.

The Institute series has been praised by government, industry experts and the national banks, news organizations and IT/IS firms attending. As we collectively begin to understand digital convergence in medical payment channels, there will be an ongoing need for authoritative dialogue. The Institute serves this function by organizing work groups, issuing white papers and other activities.

As of February 2006, a President's Council was officially established to provide consultation and assistance to MBProject in organizing the National Medical Banking Institute series. The Council provides a vital arm to foster outreach into the emerging cross-industry constituency of the medical banking segment.

>> See upcoming 7th National Medical Banking Institute on March 11-13, 2009 in Nashville,!

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